Adam Newberg | The Boss
adam.n "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Chaz Davis | Marketing Dude
chaz "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Adam Zorzin | Web Guru & Tech Master
adam.z "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Please replace "AT" with "@" and DOT with "." - Ghetto spam fighting, yes, we know.
If you are interested in sending us a demo, please do so from our SoundCloud page
This is the best way to get us a demo! If you cannot utilize SoundCloud
for demos, you may send an email to "label AT theoretic-records DOT com"
Please include links to 320kbps MP3's and any relevant press information about yourself.
Thanks and we look forward to hearing your music!
adam.n "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Chaz Davis | Marketing Dude
chaz "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Adam Zorzin | Web Guru & Tech Master
adam.z "AT" theoretic-records "DOT" com
Please replace "AT" with "@" and DOT with "." - Ghetto spam fighting, yes, we know.
If you are interested in sending us a demo, please do so from our SoundCloud page
This is the best way to get us a demo! If you cannot utilize SoundCloud
for demos, you may send an email to "label AT theoretic-records DOT com"
Please include links to 320kbps MP3's and any relevant press information about yourself.
Thanks and we look forward to hearing your music!